Chips and Code

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This project was started as a reimagined Nand2Tetris (not affiliated or endorsed by them). Nand2Tetris is a very popular course that introduces a wide range of computer principles by building a virtual computer from the group up. However, it is accompanied by an older Java desktop application inaccessible from a large range of devices (like tablets, Chromebooks, smartphones... - one-fourth of people from developing countries rely on smartphones!). Chips and Code aims to reimplement the same functionality using the modern web with improved user experience.



Most of the functionality was built while I was working on my master's thesis at the University of Galway. As a part of that, I've run a comparative study exploring usability improvements of moving the existing learning tool to the web. If you are interested in learning more, visit the links below.

Research Behind Code Repository

Credits 🙏

None of this would be possible without the open-source community and the help of many wonderful people who participated in the research.

Open source

This project relies on a large selection of open-source work. Notably: Nand2Tetris content licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0, Svelte framework, Tailwind and DaisyUI styling libraries, Nearley parser toolkit, and Monaco Editor, all licensed under the MIT license. See all dependencies.

Study participants

Thank you Jan, Matej, Patrik, Pavol, Stefan, Michal, Masa, Michal, Sasa, Jozef, Peter, Matus, Brano, Robert, Lubo, Max, Viktoria, Kyryl, Matus, Lukas, Martina, Karolina, Lubos, Martin, Erik, Filip for participating in the comparative study and providing me with the feedback. It was a blast working with you!